Welcome! The Western Virginia Public Education Consortium is a group of 22 public school districts determined to provide effective education opportunities in each of their school districts. WVPEC supports this by providing professional development events and leadership collaboration inviting experts in their fields to inspire and improve great learning.
WVPEC welcomes Highland County Public Schools to the Consortium making this a group of 22 public school districts in southwestern Virginia. The mission is to improve education through professional development, collaboration, and by aiding efforts to find and hire qualified teachers and administrators.
•Establish collaborative & intentional processes to bolster the recruiting & retention of quality educators
•Market & Host the WVPEC Recruitment & Job Fair
•Provide engaging network & professional learning experiences for educators & education leaders
•Strengthen family & community engagement, & build partnerships across & within WVPEC membership to leverage economic impact
•Assure timely response & advocacy related to key educational issues & funding resources for WVPEC
WVPEC will promote meaningful educational outcomes for all students through relevant, timely, and collaborative support for educators and educational leaders while building partnerships and securing fiscal resources.