Thursday, April 24th 2025
Free parking passes and instructions will be emailed out to participants.
Free WVPEC Consortium
Check-in starts at 8:30AM
Start time is 9:00AM
Session ends at 12:00PM
Focus: Virginia Literacy Act
Three participants per school division.
Friday, February 28th, 2025.
Bonnie Combo Room 2nd floor
Free parking passes and instructions will be emailed out to participants.
$79 - Consortium ($65 if registering 3 or more at once)
$109 - Non-Consortium ($95 if registering 3 or more at once)
Check-in starts at 8:30AM
Start time is 9:00AM
Lunch release: 11:45AM-12:50PM
Afternoon session starts at 12:55PM
Session ends at 3:00PM
WVPEC is thrilled to bring to you another amazing triple hitter workshop, "Building Better Outcomes"! This full day workshop is designed for ANY teacher, aid, teaching assistant, social worker, counselor, or nurse working in the public-school systems. We wanted to bring to you a balance of self-care and empowerment with navigating the greater dynamics of classroom and workplace environments; pared with the implications of trauma and how that can affect the here and now as well as the future.
Preventing & Treating Common Workplace Injuries Found in Educators
Ron and Brandon treat musculoskeletal and neurological conditions related to the spine and extremities. This presentation will highlight common injuries seen in educators and discuss intervention strategies, workplace ergonomics, footwear recommendations, and tips to keep you feeling your best.
Ron Masri PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, ATC: Ron Masri is a fellowship trained Doctor of Physical Therapy and a certified Athletic Trainer. He founded Total Motion Physical Therapy in 2010 to provide specialized orthopedic physical therapy services to the New River Valley.
Brandon Gearhart, PT, DPT, OCS: Brandon Gearhart is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with board-certified orthopedic clinical specialist certification. He partnered with Ron at Total Motion PT in 2022.
Difference & Group Dynamics: The Teacher’s Toolbox
Teachers are expected to manage their classrooms with efficiency and kindness, regardless of which students are under their care at any given time. In the and classroom (and workplace), teachers must navigate an array of differences such as race, religion, class, gender, and disability, among others. This presentation Gabriella will use social psychology research to give teachers tools for understanding when and how such differences are salient, and how these differences impact group dynamics. We’ll discuss current research and workshop ways teachers can incorporate these insights to enhance classroom environments and student outcomes.
Dr. Gabriella V. Smith is a sociologist and small business owner whose enthusiasm for education and “joyous nerdery” are evident in the classroom and beyond. She received her MA in Sociology and graduate certificate in Gender and Sexuality Studies from the University of Kansas, and her PhD in Sociology from the University of Virginia. Gabriella uses her training to explore the ways larger structural inequalities like race, ethnicity, and gender impact how we think about and interact with others, with the goal of uncovering our shared humanity.
Trauma Sensitive Schools: Understanding Trauma & Its Impact.
Julie will be going into an intensive in-depth workshop covering what trauma is and who is affected by it. How the stress response system works, and what the impact of exposure to trauma has on students. As well as what this mean for schools and classroom environments?
Julie Fox works as the Education and Training Program Coordinator for the NRV Regional
Commission's Recovery Ecosystem. She holds a MSW in macro level social work with a
concentration in child welfare policy and practice from the University of South Carolina. Julie has
20 years' experience working with individuals, families and communities as a case manager,
service coordinator, youth counselor, parenting educator, support group facilitator, child abuse
prevention trainer, education program coordinator, childbirth educator and doula.
Who should attend?
ANY teacher, aid, teaching assistant, social worker, counselor, or nurse working in the public-school systems.
If you are unable to attend, please find someone to take your spot.
*Office administration: If you are registering more than 3 people at a time. Please fill out and submit this form the additional times needed. We collect participants contact information so we can email them directly with any updates or changes. Without this information we can't guarantee everyone gets all the information that they will need.
Tuesday, October 8th, 2024.
Free parking passes and instructions will be emailed out to participants.
$89 - Consortium
$119 - Non-Consortium
Check-in starts at 8:30AM
Start time is 9:00AM
Lunch release: 11:45AM-1:00PM
Afternoon session starts at 1:00PM
Session ends at 3:00PM
WVPEC cordially invites you to their professional development training "Building Student's Background Knowledge to Deepen Comprehension". In this full day workshop elementary educators will explore practical strategies for fostering a classroom culture of thinking & comprehension. We will provide an overview of the science of reading, highlighting key elements, while focusing on practical approaches to build students' background knowledge. Participants will engage in interactive sessions to develop effective routines, modeling, & interactions that support reading comprehension.
This workshop offers an opportunity to collaborate with peers, share best practices, and gain valuable insights into cultivating a classroom environment that nurtures thoughtful and engaged readers. Join us for a day of learning and inspiration to enhance your teaching practice.
Myla Lee: is an experienced educator that has presented and consulted on national and international levels, with homebase in the Detroit Michigan area. She specializes in literacy, coaching, technology integration, and learner-centered design. With a master's degree in reading and language arts, she has served as a literacy specialist and presented at state and national literacy conferences. Myla designs integrated, learner-centered experiences emphasizing literacy and fostering critical thinking and creativity. Her work includes district instructional coaching and collaborating with administrators, teachers, and students to implement innovative projects. She is passionate about education and enjoys volunteering, visiting new places, and reading. Myla enriches her presentations with her practical classroom experience and commitment to deeper learning and collaborative inquiry. Whether on personal or work-related travels, Myla always finds a quiet moment in a local coffee shop, in the company of a good book.
Only 50 seats available, register NOW!
Who should attend?
Teachers K-5, literacy instructors, coaches, or aids.
If you are unable to attend, please find someone to take your spot.
*Office administration: If you are registering more than 3 people at a time. Please fill out and submit this form the additional times needed. We collect participants contact information so we can email them directly with any updates or changes. Without this information we can't guarantee everyone gets all the information that they will need.
Tuesday, October 8th, 2024.
Free parking passes and instructions will be emailed out to participants.
$89 - Consortium
$119 - Non-Consortium
Check-in starts at 8:30AM
Start time is 9:00AM
Lunch release: 11:45AM-1:00PM
Afternoon session starts at 1:00PM
Session ends at 3:00PM
WVPEC cordially invites you to their professional development training "Building Student's Background Knowledge to Deepen Comprehension". In this full day workshop elementary educators will explore practical strategies for fostering a classroom culture of thinking & comprehension. We will provide an overview of the science of reading, highlighting key elements, while focusing on practical approaches to build students' background knowledge. Participants will engage in interactive sessions to develop effective routines, modeling, & interactions that support reading comprehension.
This workshop offers an opportunity to collaborate with peers, share best practices, and gain valuable insights into cultivating a classroom environment that nurtures thoughtful and engaged readers. Join us for a day of learning and inspiration to enhance your teaching practice.
Myla Lee: is an experienced educator that has presented and consulted on national and international levels, with homebase in the Detroit Michigan area. She specializes in literacy, coaching, technology integration, and learner-centered design. With a master's degree in reading and language arts, she has served as a literacy specialist and presented at state and national literacy conferences. Myla designs integrated, learner-centered experiences emphasizing literacy and fostering critical thinking and creativity. Her work includes district instructional coaching and collaborating with administrators, teachers, and students to implement innovative projects. She is passionate about education and enjoys volunteering, visiting new places, and reading. Myla enriches her presentations with her practical classroom experience and commitment to deeper learning and collaborative inquiry. Whether on personal or work-related travels, Myla always finds a quiet moment in a local coffee shop, in the company of a good book.
Only 50 seats available, register NOW!
Who should attend?
Teachers K-5, literacy instructors, coaches, or aids.
If you are unable to attend, please find someone to take your spot.
*Office administration: If you are registering more than 3 people at a time. Please fill out and submit this form the additional times needed. We collect participants contact information so we can email them directly with any updates or changes. Without this information we can't guarantee everyone gets all the information that they will need.
Tuesday November 5th, 2024.
Virginia Tech (please not the link directs you to the proper building. Google maps hasn't updated "Gilbert Place" to this location. Please use the entrance at marker 210)
$89 - Consortium
$119 - Non-Consortium
Check-in starts at 8:30AM
Start time is 9:00AM
Lunch release: 11:45AM-1:00PM
Afternoon session starts at 1:00PM
Session ends at 3:00PM
WVPEC cordially invites you to their professional development training "Generative AI &K12 Education". Since the availability of ChatGPT in late 2022, generative artificial intelligence tools have become widely available as standalone tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Midjourney, Copilot) and/or integrated into commonly used tools (e.g., Grammarly, Word/Google Docs, Duolingo, Chegg, Photoshop). Many students and teachers may already be exploring creative ways to use these tools to support their own work and learning. This workshop will introduce you to the basics of generative AI - what it is, what some of the common tools are, how those tools might be used in teaching and learning - and then help you expand upon those basics to explore ways in which you can use them specifically for your own work. The workshop will include presentations from faculty at Virginia Tech about how they are using generative AI in their own work. There will also be an opportunity to share and learn with peers and to develop your own ideas during the workshop. There is no expectation that you have prior experience with generative AI in order to participate in this workshop.
Jake Grohs is an Associate Professor of Engineering Education and Director of the Center for Educational Networks (CENI) and Impacts within the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology. His primary research interests focus on systems thinking, applied educational research through multi-stakeholder partnerships, and collaborative change. Recently, Grohs co-facilitated a faculty community of practice grappling with the possibilities and challenges of generative AI for higher education and has also been a resource to K12 educators within CENI's network for questions about generative AI (e.g., presentation at WVPEC Hot Topics conference, sessions for school administrators).
Who should attend?
Teachers K-12, instructors or aids.
This is an interactive workshop, please don't forget to bring your laptops!
Click here to register
If you are unable to attend, please find someone to take your spot.
*Office administration: If you are registering more than 3 people at a time. Please fill out and submit this form the additional times needed. We collect participants contact information so we can email them directly with any updates or changes. Without this information we can't guarantee everyone gets all the information that they will need.
***Lunch will be on your own to accommodate all dietary restrictions & preferences. Radford University is in a convenient location for finding dining opportunities.
Tuesday, October 15th, 2024.
Free event & parking!
No preregistration required, check-in at the event for credit hour compensation.
WVPEC cordially invites you to their professional development training "Inheritance". Filmed over 11 years, INHERITANCE follows Curtis, a young boy, as he grows up in rural Appalachia in a family and community surrounded by substance use disorder and poverty. Can Curtis break the cycle of addiction that has plagued his family for generations?
After viewing of the documentary, there will be a panel discussing the film and subject matter. One of the directors, Curtis, and several community members working in the field will be on the panel.
Who should attend?
Any and all in the field of public education.
Thursday February 29th, 2024.
Radford University
Heth Hall 014
Free parking passes and instructions will be emailed out to participants.
$89 - Consortium
$119 - Non-Consortium
Check-in starts at 8:30AM
Start time is 9:00AM
Lunch release: 11:40AM-1:00PM
Afternoon session starts at 1:00PM
Session ends at 3:00PM
WVPEC cordially invites you to their professional development training "An Educator's Guide To: Mental Well-Being". This is a unique opportunity to dive into your mental well-being from three different perspectives, the physical, environmental, and mind. Working toward a healthier you. This workshop is focused on the educator, their needs, and how they can better support themselves.
Angelica Perry D.O.
Full Spectrum Wellness Care
Angelica Perry is a holistic physician, who will focus on the humanity and personal needs of those in the teaching profession. Managing a classroom and navigating the administrative requirements of teaching can take a lot out of a person. Supporting students or completing lessons may be eclipsed by the many other expectations and duties associated with teaching today. Dr. Perry will incorporate a short movement exercise in her lecture that teachers can use for self-centering at home or with a classroom of students.
Osteopath | Full Spectrum Wellness Care
Gabriella V. Smith, PhD
Gabriella the Garden Sage
Cultivating personal wellbeing can be enhanced by literal cultivation of plants and seedlings. New research continues to highlight the emotional and physical benefits of interacting with plants and soil, such as the role soil microbes can play in helping us regulate emotions, the mindful properties of tending to houseplants, and the whole-body exercise gained from creating a garden. In this session, Dr. Gabriella V. Smith will take you through current research on the benefits of connecting with living plants and soil in an approachable way and go over practical ways to incorporate wellness through plants whether you have an acre of land or a small windowsill. Let's get growing!
Anne Giles, M.A., M.S., L.P.C
With so many of us dealing with stressors, losses, and trauma, Anne Giles, M.A., M.S., L.P.C., a Licensed Professional Counselor in the Commonwealth of Virginia, will offer a research-informed approach to handling hardship with skill and self-compassion. We'll engage in individual and small group activities to begin to unburden ourselves from unhelpful cultural narratives, thus freeing ourselves to, with self-kindness, acknowledge and adjust to reality as it is. Anne specializes in helping people address challenges. She is a student of Mandarin Chinese and a volunteer tutor with Literacy NRV.
Who should attend?
Teachers, Nurses, Administrators, Counselors, & All school employees are welcome!
If you are unable to attend, please find someone to take your spot.
*Office administration: If you are registering more than 3 people at a time. Please fill out and submit this form the additional times needed. We collect participants contact information so we can email them directly with any updates or changes. Without this information we can't guarantee everyone gets all the information that they will need, thank you!
***Lunch will be on your own to accommodate all dietary restrictions & preferences. Radford University is in a convenient location for finding dining opportunities.
WVPEC's 2024 Job Fair is open for registration!!! Please click on the link and register for the job fair before attending. Registration as always is FREE for this event.
Time: 9am-12pm
Location: Salem Civic Center
Prize drawings 10am, 11am, & 12pm.
Recruiters will be actively looking to fill positions in their school systems. If you have or will have your teaching license by the end of the 2023/24 school year this is your event! It's also a great way to get on employer's radar if you are finishing up your program work!
May your job hunt prove fruitful.
Thursday, November, 30th 2023
Salem Highschool: Multipurpose Room
400 Spartan Dr, Salem, VA 24153
$89 - Consortium
$119 - Non-Consortium
Check-in starts at 8:30 am
Start time is 9:00 am
Lunch release: 11:30 am-12:45 pm
Afternoon session starts at 12:45 pm
Session ends at 3:00 pm
Join us for an empowering workshop designed to equip school leaders and instructional coaches with the essential skills to master effective feedback conversations. In this dynamic session, participants will explore the art and science of fostering an environment conducive to meaningful feedback exchanges. This is a powerful stand-alone session with no pre-requisite requirement. If you attended Giving Effective Feedback to Teachers Even When They Don't Want It, this session will go deeper into the how and why of feedback conversations with more opportunities for authentic practice conversations.
Key Highlights:
1. Creating Conditions for Effective Feedback Conversations:
Learn how to cultivate an atmosphere that encourages open communication and growth. Discover strategies to establish trust, rapport, and a shared commitment to continuous improvement. Participants will explore the pivotal role of setting the right context for productive feedback discussions.
2. Meeting Human Needs through Feedback Conversations:
Delve into the psychological and emotional aspects of feedback. Explore how effective feedback can align with fundamental human needs, fostering a sense of competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Understand the motivational power of feedback in driving professional development and collaboration.
3. Analyzing the Components of Feedback Conversations:
Break down the anatomy of successful feedback conversations. Unpack the crucial components, from framing the conversation to providing actionable insights. Participants will gain insights into the nuances of constructive criticism, positive reinforcement, and the art of balancing praise and areas for improvement.
4. Practicing Written and Verbal Feedback:
Engage in hands-on activities to hone your skills in both written and verbal feedback. Through practical exercises and role-playing, participants will have the opportunity to apply newfound knowledge, refining their ability to deliver feedback that is specific, actionable, and growth-oriented.
Who Should Attend:
- School Leaders
- Instructional Coaches
- Administrators
- Educators aspiring to leadership roles
By the end of this workshop, participants will leave with a toolkit of strategies for creating a feedback-positive culture, an understanding of how feedback conversations can satisfy human needs, and practical experience in crafting and delivering effective feedback—both written and verbal. Elevate your leadership or coaching role through the mastery of transformative feedback conversations.
***Lunch will be on your own to accommodate all dietary restrictions & preferences. Salem High School is in a convenient location for finding dining opportunities.